Friday 11th June 2021, 8pm
Christian Sedelmyer – fiddle, vocals
Rachel Baiman – fiddle, banjo, vocals
Dé hAoine 11ú Meitheamh 2021, 8in
Friday 11th June 2021, 8pm
Ticéid: €10
“The newest and most promising voices in Americana” – NPR, All Songs Considered
“An unassumingly intriguing record… something out of the ordinary” – FolkRoots
“Honouring timeless traditions with respectful acknowledgement and creative innovation” – Folk Alley
Fáiltíonn Ionad Cultúrtha roimh an deis ceol iontach bríomhair 10 String Symphony ar cur ar fáil dár lucht féachana. Is grúpa Meiriceánach iad 10 String Symphony, ceoltóirí den scoth ‘Old Timey go bhfuil ana-thóir ar a gcuid ceoil ar fud na cruinne. Is veidhleadóir agus amhránaí é Christian Sedelmyer go bhfuil ainmniúchán Grammy fachta aige agus is amhránaí agus scríobhneoir amhráin aitheanta í Rachel Baiman a sheineann mórán uirlisí, ina measc veidhlín agus bainseó. Tabharfaidh siad blas binn de cheol agus canúint traidisiún Americana chughainn thar na farraigí agus táimid ag súil go mór leis an gcoirmcheoil.
Described as “The newest and most promising voices in Americana” by NPR, 10 String Symphony is a collaboration between Grammy-nominated fiddle player Christian Sedelmyer and acclaimed songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Rachel Baiman.
Take ten strings, add two compelling voices and one shared sense of social justice, and what you’ve got is a dynamic and quietly authoritative duo in the best tradition of Guthrie and Seeger. Christian Sedelmyer and Rachel Baiman are artists firmly rooted in the old-timey Americana tradition, but with musical explorations that carry them fearlessly into the present moment, creating songs and sound worlds that are immediate and compelling. These are musicians whose prime inspiration is our world and how we live in it. Through their musicianship, they engage with life, art, nature, and global challenges in ways that are variously warm, humorous and thought-provoking. They are champions of change, and though just two in number, their impact is massively amplified by their brilliant use of technology and skilful arrangements. These are truly musicians of our time.