Danny O’Mahoney & Liz Kane, Diarmuid Ó Meachair
Triúr cheoltóir traidisiúnta iontach spreagúil ar stáitse againn ar oíche an 20ú Márta! Ó Chiarraí Thuaidh is ea Danny O’Mahoney go bhfuil ana-chuid bainte amach aige lena cheol agus tóir air mar mhúintóir ar an mbosca ceoil leis. Fé láthair is é an Ealaíontóir Traidisiúnta Conaitheach é in Ollscoil Chorcaí. Ón nGaillimh is ea an veidhleadóir Liz Kane go bhfuil an domhan siúlta aici leis an gceol. Tá taifeadaí iontacha déanta aici thairis na blianta lena deirfiúr Yvonne chomh maith le Sharon Shannon agus mórán eile. Chun tús a chur leis an oíche, beidh ceol aonarach againn le Diarmuid Ó Meachair, ó Chúil Aodha agus duine dos na boscadóirí óga is tábhachtaí sa traidisiún.
Three of the traditions best take to the stage at Ionad Cultúrtha on March 20th! Danny O’Mahoney, from North Kerry, is well known accordionist and broadcaster who is currently the Traditional Artist in Residence at UCC. Liz Kane is one of the tradition’s most renowned fiddle players. From Galway, Liz has travelled the world with her music and has recorded alongside her sister Yvonne as well as Sharon Shannon and many others. From Cúil Aodha, Diarmuid Ó Meachair is one of the young musicians making waves in the tradition at the moment and is also a noted sean-nós singer. He will start the concert with a solo performance on accordion.