Saturday 6th November, 8pm
Emma Langford
le Hannah NicGearailt & Alec Brown
Conaitheacht Resonate i gcomhar le Music Network
Dé Sathairn 6ú Samhain, 8in
Saturday 6th November, 8pm
Coirmcheoil speisialta leis an t-amhránaí & scríobhneoir amhráin iontach Emma Langford ó Luimneach agus saothar nua ceoil atá scríte aici le linn tréimhse conaitheach anseo i nGaeltacht Mhúscraí. Beidh an pianadóir Hannah NicGearailt agus Alec Brown (dord) ar stáitse i dteannta Emma ar an oíche.
A very special performance from Limerick singer/songwriter Emma Langford which will include new material which was written during Emma’s residency here in Múscraí. Emma will be joined by pianist Hannah NicGearailt and cellist Alec Brown on stage.
Dé Eolas maidir le Srianta/Information Regarding Protocols
Beidh ort teastas vaicsín a thaispeáint chun teacht isteach go dtí aon imeacht san Ionad Cultúrtha
Beidh ort pusachán a chaitheamh ar theacht isteach agus nuair atá tú ag bogadh timpeall. Is tú suite, is féidir an pusachán a bhaint.
Táimid fós ag cloí le fad soisialta is tú suite. Beidh spás compordach idir patrúin san amharclann.
Iarraimid oraibh an sanitizer a úsáid atá timpeall an fhoirnimh.
Má bhraitheann tú breoite, le do thoil, ná tar isteach chughainn. Ní bheidh costas ar do thicéid curtha ar ceal.
You must show proof of vaccine to gain entry to events at Ionad Cultúrtha.
You must wear a mask on entering the building and when moving around. When you are seated in your allocated seat, you may remove your mask, if you wish.
We are adhering to social distance guidelines and there will be comfortable space between pods in the theatre.
We ask you to use the sanitizer available throughout the building.
If you feel in any way unwell, we ask you not to attend events. You will not be charged for your cancellation.