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Pierce, Cahillane, Looney & Murray: 29/03/25
Ceol-Scoil Chorcaí: 09/03/25
Dairena Ní Chinnéide & Steve Cooney: 08/03/25
Aonach an Earraigh: 01/03/25
Derek Hickey, Liz & Yvonne Kane, Macdara Ó’Faoláin: 21/02/25
Art Exhibition “Breath of Heritage”: 21/02/25
Ceol, Ealaín
10 Old Songs: 02/02/25
The High Seas: 01/02/25
Cuireadh: 17/01/25
David Syme: 15/12/24
Seán Keane: 14/12/24
Séamus & Caoimhe Uí Fhlatharta: 23/11/24
How To Gael: 16/11/24
Ora Quartet: 08/11/24
David Syme: 03/11/24
Muireann Nic Amhlaoibh: 25/10/24
Lisa Lambe: 19/10/24
Opera: 06/10/24
Keane – Connolly – McGorman: 04/10/24
Breen – Rynne – Murray: 28/09/24
Ceardlann le David Syme: 15/09/24
Ensemble Mhúscraí
Breaking Trad: 07/09/24
Making Music in Múscraí: 17/08/24
Macdara Ó Faoláin: 14/06/24
Serene Sunday: 09/06/24
Dúchas & Dóchas: 24/05/24
Ré Órga: 11/05/24
Where Rivers Join: 03/05/24
Shorelines Trio: 27/04/24
Matilda Lloyd & Alexandra Whittingham: 26/04/24
Ceoil Choirm: 22/03/24

Ceoil Choirm: 22/03/24


Listen to a track:

Ceardlainn/Master Classes: 10/03/24
Seal Cois Suláin: 05 agus 12/03/24
Lyrica: 23/02/24
Coirm Ceoil: 16/02/24
Emma Langford: 10/02/24
Iarla Ó Lionáird: 15/12/23
Coirm Ceoil: 8/12/23
Coirm Ceoil: 10/12/23
Coirm Ceoil: 24/11/23
Coirm Ceoil: 18/11/23
Coirm Ceoil: 20/10/23
Miscellany: 6/10/23
ALAW: 13/10/23
Big Maggie: 14/10/23
Ceol, Special Events
Diarmuid Ó Meachair
Diarmuid Ó Meachair, Jack Talty, James Cullinan: 01/09/23

Diarmuid Ó Meachair, Jack Talty, James Cullinan: 01/09/23


Diarmuid Ó Meachair Is boscadóir agus amhránaí sean-nóis é Diarmuid Ó Meachair. Rugadh agus tógadh é i nDoire an Chuilinn…

Anton Floyd: 10/09/23
Past Events
Úna Keating
Continuing Traditions: 05/05/23
Past Events
Shane Hennessy: 30/06/23
Past Events
Caoineadh Airt Uí Laoghaire: 04/05/23
Past Events

Caoineadh Airt Uí Laoghaire: 04/05/23

Past Events

Caoineadh Airt Uí Laoghaire le Eibhlín Dubh Ní Chonaill

Concert: 28/04/23
Past Events
Concert: 22/04/23
Past Events

Concert: 22/04/23

Past Events

Máire Ní Chathasaigh & Chris Newman >>

March 23 Events
Past Events
December Events
Past Events
Autumn Concert: 18/11/22
Past Events

Autumn Concert: 18/11/22

Past Events

Pauline Scanlon Artist in Residence faoi Resonate Barry Kerr - Vocals/Guitar Síle Denver - Vocals Pauline Scanlon - Vocals

Autumn Concert: 11/11/22
Past Events

Autumn Concert: 11/11/22

Past Events

Tara Breen, Pádraig Rynne, Jim Murray

Autumn Concert: 05/11/22
Past Events

Autumn Concert: 05/11/22

Past Events

Open Road - American Folk Music Duo

Greenshine & Padraig Jack: 30/09/2022
Past Events

Greenshine & Padraig Jack: 30/09/2022

Past Events

Greenshine Friday 30th September 2022, 8pm "They have produced one great record after the next over the last few years,"…

Coirm Ceoil/Concert: 09/09/22
Past Events

Coirm Ceoil/Concert: 09/09/22

Past Events

Aidan Coffey, Paddy Tutty, Caomhín Ó Fearghail & Macdara Ó Faoiláin

Mairéad Ní Mhaonaigh: 17/09/22
Past Events

Mairéad Ní Mhaonaigh: 17/09/22

Past Events

Mairéad Ní Mhaonaigh, Cormac de Barra, Mark Redmond

Summer Concert: 01/07/22
Past Events
Filology – óiche Jazz
Past Events

Filology – óiche Jazz

Past Events

Filology play a repertoire that mixes instrumental & vocal tunes. A mix of bepop, Latin American, cool & funky.  Music…

Richard Lucey, Jim Murray & Nell Ní Chróinín / 27ú Bealtaine
Past Events

Richard Lucey, Jim Murray & Nell Ní Chróinín / 27ú Bealtaine

Past Events

Dé hAoine 27ú Bealtaine Doirse 7:30in Tosnú @ 8in Ticéid €20 Low Ticket Availability (Níl morán fágtha... tickets flying out…

Tim Edey, Mairi Rankin & Eric Wright / 13ú Bealtaine
Past Events

Tim Edey, Mairi Rankin & Eric Wright / 13ú Bealtaine

Past Events

Music Network presents Tim Edey, Mairi Rankin and Eric Wright Irish Tour Fri 13 May 8pm Ionad Cultúrtha, Baile Mhúirne…

Ger Wolfe / le Martin Leahy, Edel O’Sullivan & Paul Frost / 6ú Bealtaine
Past Events

Ger Wolfe / le Martin Leahy, Edel O’Sullivan & Paul Frost / 6ú Bealtaine

Past Events

Ger Wolfe is an established Irish singer songwriter, a multi-instrumentalist and a poet who, sparkling with life, composes and performs ”carefully-crafted…

Leevy + Band / 8ú Aibreán
Past Events

Leevy + Band / 8ú Aibreán

Past Events

Leevy is an Irish music project led by Gaeltacht-based Songwriter Amhlaoibh McSweeney. With a sound born from rural Punk bands, Ambient…

Molly O’Mahony / 25ú Marta
Past Events

Molly O’Mahony / 25ú Marta

Past Events

Molly O'Mahony Featuring Matilda & Fiachra O'Mahony Ionad Cultúrtha an Dochtúir Ó Loingsigh Baile Bhúirne Dé hAoine 25ú Márta Doirse…

Amy Dickson, Sonoko Miriam Welde and Simon Mulligan / 11ú Márta / Music Network Tour
Past Events

Amy Dickson, Sonoko Miriam Welde and Simon Mulligan / 11ú Márta / Music Network Tour

Past Events

Music Network presents Amy Dickson, Sonoko Miriam Welde and Simon Mulligan on tour Performing together for the first time, twice…

Timmy Creed Residency
Past Events

Timmy Creed Residency

Past Events

Sé Timmy Creed, Corcaíoch eile, a bheith ag oibriú linn mar Ealaíontóir Conaitheach (Aisteoireacht/Drámaíocht/Scríobhneoireacht) do 2022. Is aisteoir iomráiteach é…

Édaín Ní Dhomhnaill Residency

Édaín Ní Dhomhnaill Residency


Ag soláthar ceardlanna ealaíne bainteach leis an gceol agus an nádúr – fuaim an cheoil agus an samhlaíocht á spreagadh…

12ú Feabhra / Ionad Cultúrtha / Céiliúradh Ceoil Seán O Loingsigh & Alec Finn
Past Events

12ú Feabhra / Ionad Cultúrtha / Céiliúradh Ceoil Seán O Loingsigh & Alec Finn

Past Events

Sean Ó Loingsigh agus Alec Finn. Ionad Cultúrtha an Dochtúir Ó Loingsigh Baile Mhúirne Co. Chorcaí 12ú Feabhra Doirse @ 7:30in €20 Cuir…

Concert: 4/2/22
Past Events

Concert: 4/2/22

Past Events

Music Network presents a new Irish traditional music collaboration featuring Séamus McGuire, Niamh Varian-Barry & Gerry O'Beirne Ionad Cultúrtha Baile…

Cothú Saoil le Maeve McSweeney
Past Events

Cothú Saoil le Maeve McSweeney

Past Events

Cothú Saoil le Maeve McSweeney Taispeántas/Exhibition Dé hAoine 5ú Samhain, 7.30in Friday 5th November, 7.30pm Tá fáilte romhat go oscailt…

Emma Langford
Concert: 06/11/2021
Past Events

Concert: 06/11/2021

Past Events

Emma Langford le Hannah NicGearailt & Alec Brown Conaitheacht Resonate i gcomhar le Music Network Dé Sathairn 6ú Samhain, 8in…

Finghin Collins
Concert: 20/11/2021
Past Events

Concert: 20/11/2021

Past Events

Finghin Collins Ceadaíl Pianó/Piano Recital Dé Sathairn 20ú Samhain, 8in Saturday 20th November, 8pm Ticéid: €15/€10/€5 .......................................................................................

Concert: 23/11/2021
Past Events

Concert: 23/11/2021

Past Events

Tamsin Waley-Cohen (veidhlín) George Fú (pianó) Ceadaíl/Recital Dé Máirt 23ú Samhain, 8in Tuesday 23rd November, 8pm Ticéid: €15/€10/€5 .......................................................................................

Summer Concert: 07/10/2021
Past Events

Summer Concert: 07/10/2021

Past Events

Mairéad Hickey & Anaïs Gaudemard Déardaoin 7ú Deireadh Fomhair 2021, 8in Thursday 7th October 2021, 8pm Ticéid: €15/€10   .......................................................................................

Pádraig McGovern, Síle Friel & Ryan Molloy

Past Events

Coirmcheoil/Concert Dé Sathairn 14ú Lúnasa, 8in Saturday 14th August, 8pm Pádraig McGovern(píobaí), Síle Friel (píobaí) & Ryan Molloy (pianó) Táimid…

Summer Concert: 18/06/2021
Past Events

Summer Concert: 18/06/2021

Past Events

Patrick Rafter - veidhlín Fiachra Garvey -  pianó Dé hAoine 18ú Meitheamh 2021, 8in. Friday, 18th June 2021, 8pm Ticéid: €10

Summer Concert: 11/06/2021
Past Events

Summer Concert: 11/06/2021

Past Events

Christian Sedelmyer -  fiddle, vocals Rachel Baiman - fiddle, banjo, vocals Dé hAoine 11ú Meitheamh 2021, 8in Friday 11th June…

Conor Connolly, Pádraig Ó Dubhghaill & Ronan O’Flaherty (Ar Líne/Online)

Past Events

COIRMCHEOIL AR LÍNE/ONLINE CONCERT Triúr cheoltóir iontach ón nGaillimh atá linn do choirmcheoil fíor-speisialta a bheidh á shruthú ar líne…

Saothar Reatha/Recent Works le Colm Murphy
Past Events

Saothar Reatha/Recent Works le Colm Murphy

Past Events

Taispeántas le Colm Murphy Saothar Reatha/Recent Works 10ú Nollaig 2020- Eanair 2021   Is ealaíontóir ar leith é Colm Murphy…

Protected: Ionad Cultúrtha LIVE
Past Events

Protected: Ionad Cultúrtha LIVE

Past Events

This is a password protected post.

Autumn Concert: 20/09/2020
Past Events

Autumn Concert: 20/09/2020

Past Events

Ye Vagabonds & Cormac Begley (Music Network) Beidh ticéid teoranta don ghig seo ach beidh sruthú ar fáil in ionaid…

Exhibition: 28/02 – 27/03 2020
Past Events
Spring Concert: 06/03/20
Past Events
Spring Concert: 20/03/20

Spring Concert: 20/03/20

Danny O’Mahoney & Liz Kane, Diarmuid Ó Meachair

Spring Concert: 27/03/20

Spring Concert: 27/03/20

Kirsten Grainger & True North

Cruthaitheach Darach Duibhe
Past Events

Cruthaitheach Darach Duibhe

Past Events

  Taispeántas Ealaíne & Dair Phortach le Catherine Cronin & Joe Kelly Osclófar an taispeántas ar an nDéardaoin 16ú Eanair…

Jim Murray, Anxo Lorenzo, Dónal O’Connor, Jack Talty 25/01/2020

Past Events

Turas i gcomhar le Music Network Jim Murray (giotár), Anxo Lorenzo (píobaí), Dónal O'Connor (veidhlín), Jack Talty (consairtín, pianó) Ceathrar…

Croí Mhúscraí: Aisling an tSeanduine 17/01/2020

Past Events

'Aisling an tSeanduine' Curtha i láthair ag Croí Mhúscraí, buíonn de cheoltóirí, rinceoirí agus amhránaithe ó Chraobh Lachtaín Naofa CCÉ.…

Autumn Concert: 08/11/19
Past Events

Autumn Concert: 08/11/19

Past Events

Four Men & a Dog - Dónal murphy (bosca ceoil), Cathal hayden (veidhlín/bainseó), Gino Lupari (bodhrán), Stephen Hayden (veidhlín), Kevin Doherty…

Autumn Concert: 22/11/19
Past Events

Autumn Concert: 22/11/19

Past Events

Fiona Kelleher (amhráin), Caoimhín Vallely (pianó), Dónal Ó Céilleachair (scannánaíocht)

Autumn Concert: 23/11/2019
Past Events

Autumn Concert: 23/11/2019

Past Events

Ye Vagabonds - Brían & Diarmuid MacGloinn, Alan McFadden

Cormac Begley, Liam O’Connor, Fiachna Ó Mongáin: 13/12/19
Past Events

Cormac Begley, Liam O’Connor, Fiachna Ó Mongáin: 13/12/19

Past Events

Cormac Begley (consairtín), Liam O'Connor (veidhlín) & Fiachna Ó Mongáin (bosca ceoil) Tá Cormac Begley aithinte mar dhuine dos na…

Autumn Concert: 16/12/19
Past Events

Autumn Concert: 16/12/19

Past Events

Coirmcheoil na Nollag le daltaí ceoil Máighréad Ní Luasaigh, Conal Ó Gráda agus Muireann Ní Luasaigh.

Autumn Concert: 21/12/19
Past Events

Autumn Concert: 21/12/19

Past Events

Ceadal Pianó le daltaí ceoil de chuid Aileen Ní Fhlannagáin

Art Exhibition: 07.09.19 – 22.10.19
Past Events

Art Exhibition: 07.09.19 – 22.10.19

Past Events

‘Complex Simplicity’ pictiúir agus priontaí le Tadhg McSweeney

Special Event: 14/11/19
Past Events

Special Event: 14/11/19

Past Events

Filíocht le Séamus Barra & Ciara Ní É i gcomhar le Dámhscoil Mhúscraí

Rinceoir Cónaitheach
Past Events

Rinceoir Cónaitheach

Past Events

Beidh Siobhán Ní Dhuinnín ag filleadh ar Mhúscraí chun tréimhse eile a chaitheamh mar rinceoir cónaitheach san Ionad Cultúrtha. Is…

Art Exhibition: 24.10.19 – 17.12.19
Past Events
Autumn Concert: 13/09/19
Past Events

Autumn Concert: 13/09/19

Past Events

Tara Breen (veidhlín), Nell Ní Chróinín (amhráin), Josephine marsh (bosca ceoil), Laoise Kelly (cláirseach).

Autumn Concert: 20/09/19
Past Events

Autumn Concert: 20/09/19

Past Events

Gerry O’Connor (bainseó), Tim Edey (giotár/bosca ceoil), Gino Lupari (bodhrán)

Autumn Concert: 11/10/19
Past Events

Autumn Concert: 11/10/19

Past Events

Doireann Ní Ghlacáin (veidhlín/amhráin), Sarah Flynn (consairtín) le John Flynn (giotár) Beirt cheoltóir cumasacha traidisiúnta den scoth ó Bhaile Átha…

Autumn Concert: 18/10/19
Past Events

Autumn Concert: 18/10/19

Past Events

Ceiliúradh ar an gCláirseach i gcomhar le Cruit Éireann This special event takes place on the eve of National Harp…

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